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Conjugations for 激し

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i adjective

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Adjective stem

English Meaning(s) for 激し

i adjective
  1. violent; furious; tempestuous
  2. extreme; intense; fierce; strong
  3. fervent; vehement
  4. incessant; relentless
  5. precipitous; steep
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the adjective stem form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 激し

Severely to a severe or serious degree
Synonyms: ひどい, ひどく, したたか, 激しい, 過酷
Fierce violently agitated and turbulent
Synonyms: 凄まじい, 凄絶, 大荒れ, 強烈, 激しい, , 猛烈, 荒い, 荒々しい, 荒っぽい, 険しい
Intense extremely sharp or intense
Synonyms: どぎつい, 凄烈, 厳しい, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 猛烈, 甚だしい, 酷烈
Slashing as if striking with slashing blows
Synonyms: 激しい, 痛烈
Severe very bad in degree or extent
Synonyms: きつい, ひどい, おっきい, こっぴどい, 凄烈, 厳しい, 大きい, 強度, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 猛烈, 甚だしい
Intense possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
Synonyms: きつい, こわい, どぎつい, 強い, 強いる, 強烈, 激しい, 猛烈, 甚だしい
Fierce marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
Synonyms: ひどい, むごい, 凄まじい, 凄烈, 凄絶, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 激越, 猛烈, 荒々しい, 過激
Sorely to a great degree
Synonyms: ひどい, ひどく, 激しい, 非常に
Severely with sternness
Synonyms: きっと, ひしひし, びしびし, ビシッと, 厳に, 厳として, 激しい, 過酷
Acutely in an acute manner
Synonyms: ひしひし, 切に, 敏感, 激しい
Tempestuous (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
Synonyms: 強烈, 激しい, 猛烈, 荒い, 荒々しい
Wicked intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
Synonyms: きつい, すごい, ひどい, むごい, いかめしい, こっぴどい, ものすごい, とんでもない, 凄まじい, 厳しい, 大変, 峻烈, 恐ろしい, 深刻, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 猛烈, 甚だしい, 甚大, 痛烈, 苛烈, 酷烈
Strong not faint or feeble
Synonyms: きつい, こわい, おっきい, どぎつい, 強い, 強いる, 強勢, 激しい, 豪勢
Violent (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
Synonyms: ひどい, どぎつい, 激しい
Tempestuous characterized by violent emotions or behavior
Synonyms: 激しい
Stiff having a strong physiological or chemical effect
Synonyms: きつい, こわい, どぎつい, 剛力, 強い, 強いる, 強力, 強烈, 激しい, , 濃い, 濃厚
Knockout very strong or vigorous
Synonyms: 凄烈, 大変, 峻烈, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 猛烈, 甚だしい, 痛烈
Vehement characterized by great force or energy
Synonyms: 激しい
Violent acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
Synonyms: 凄烈, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 猛烈
Fierce marked by extreme and violent energy
Synonyms: 凄まじい, 凄絶, 凶暴, 凶猛, 強暴, 強烈, 激しい, 狂暴, 猛烈, 獰猛
Hot characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement
Synonyms: 激しい
Strongly with strength or in a strong manner
Synonyms: こわい, 強い, 激しい
Aggressively in an aggressive manner
Synonyms: いらいら, 刺々, 攻撃的, 激しい
Wildly in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner
Synonyms: 激しい
Severely causing great damage or hardship
Synonyms: こってり, したたか, びしびし, みっちり, さんざっぱら, 厳に, 激しい, 痛い, 過酷
Fierce inclined to react violently
Synonyms: ひどい, むごい, 凄まじい, 凄烈, 凄絶, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 激越, 猛烈, 荒々しい, 過激
Hot very intense
Synonyms: 激しい
Severely in a severe manner
Synonyms: きっと, ひしひし, びしびし, ビシッと, 厳に, 厳として, 激しい, 過酷
Fierce fervid
Synonyms: ひどい, むごい, 凄まじい, 凄烈, 凄絶, 強烈, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 激越, 猛烈, 荒々しい, 過激

Meanings for each kanji in 激し

» violent; get excited; enraged; chafe; incite

Stroke Order Diagrams for 激し

Conjugations for 激し

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Comments for 激し

If you have any questions about this entry, or would like to write a sample sentence using the vocabulary, please do so below. Your comment will appear in the forum for other users of the site to view and discuss.

I read in another post that an uncommon Kanji also used for "furious; tempestuous" is "蕪" if anyone could help me with this.


Also, the correct way to write: "tempestuous or stormy waves".

Appreciate it!



#1 Posted by Andr3sbv about 10 months ago

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