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Conjugations for 大

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noun, prefix, na adjective, suffix

English Meaning(s) for 大

prefix, na adjective, noun
  1. large; big; great; huge; vast; major; important; serious; severe
  1. great; prominent; eminent; distinguished
  1. -sized; as big as; the size of
suffix, prefix
  1. university
  1. large (e.g. serving size); large option
  2. long month (i.e. having 31 days)

Definition and Synonyms for 大

Big above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Synonyms: えらい, でかい, おっきい, , , , 大い, 大き, 大きい, 太い, 広い
Extreme beyond a norm in views or actions
Synonyms: ばか, ずいぶん, めちゃめちゃ, , , , 大い, 大き, 急進的, 極端, 甚だしい, 矯激, 過激, 非常
Largeness the property of having a relatively great size
Synonyms: , , , 大い, 大き
College an institution of higher education created to educate and grant degrees
Synonyms: カレッジ, 単科大学, , , , 大い, 大き, 大学, 大学校
College often a part of a university
Synonyms: カレッジ, 単科大学, , , , 大い, 大き, 大学, 大学校

Meanings for each kanji in 大

» large; big

Categories 大 is a member of

Size the physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
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Educational Institution an institution dedicated to education
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 大

Sample Sentences for 大

I'm all for it.
The Daito-maru is scheduled to sail at 4:00.
This is international common sense, the great principle of resource management.
There are large houses along the street.
The party was such a great success.

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