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Conjugations for ベスト

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na adjective, no adjective, noun

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English Meaning(s) for ベスト

na adjective, no adjective
  1. best
  1. vest

Definition and Synonyms for ベスト

Waistcoat a man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
Synonyms: ベスト, チョッキ
Best the supreme effort one can make
Synonyms: ベスト, 最善
Best having the most positive qualities
Synonyms: ベスト, こよない, 冠たる
Better wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable
Synonyms: ベスト, ベター, こよない, 上々, 冠たる, 最高, 極上, 無上, より良い, 限りない
Best Canadian physiologist (born in the United States) who assisted F. G. Banting in research leading to the discovery of insulin (1899-1978)
Synonyms: ベスト
Best the person who is most outstanding or excellent
Synonyms: ベスト
Best someone who tops all others
Synonyms: ベスト

Categories ベスト is a member of

Individual a human being
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Effort earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something
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Garment an article of clothing
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Stroke Order Diagrams for ベスト

Sample Sentences for ベスト

One should always do one's best.
It behooves us to do our best.
With both mind and body in their best condition, let's look forward to the newcomers' training camp.
The best way for adjusting the gap between the internal and the external price and securing economic growth is to promote the non-manufacturing industry's productivity by aggressive investing in facilities.
Of the three candidates, I think Mr Smith is the best.

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