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Conjugations for 重要

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 重要

na adjective, noun
  1. important; momentous; essential; principal; major

Definition and Synonyms for 重要

Importance the quality of being important and worthy of note
Synonyms: 重い, 重さ, 重み, 重大性, 重要, 重要度, 重要性
Significantly in an important way or to an important degree
Synonyms: 有意, 重要
Big conspicuous in position or importance
Synonyms: 重要, 顕要
Important important in effect or meaning
Synonyms: おっきい, 主立つ, 主立った, 主要, 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 意味ありげ, 意味深, 意味深い, 意味深長, 意義深い, 有意的, 有意義, 枢要, 肝心, 要用, 重い, 重たい, 重大, 重要
Large fairly large or important in effect
Synonyms: おっきい, 主要, 大きい, 大事, 大事, 重要
Importantly in an important way
Synonyms: 重要
Crucial of extreme importance
Synonyms: 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 決定的, 肝心, 肝要, 重大, 重要
Essential basic and fundamental
Synonyms: 不可欠, 主要, 入用, 入り用, 切要, 基本的, 必要, 必須, 本質的, 枢要, 根本的, 第一, 肝心, 肝要, 重大, 重要, 須要
Vital performing an essential function in the living body
Synonyms: 重要
Vital urgently needed
Synonyms: 必要, 決定的, 緊要, 肝心, 肝要, 重要
Important of great significance or value
Synonyms: 主要, 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 肝心, 要用, 重い, 重要
Big significant
Synonyms: でかい, おっきい, 大きい, 大事, 大事, 意義深い, 重要
Material directly relevant to a matter especially a law case
Synonyms: 重要
Meaningful having a meaning or purpose
Synonyms: 意味深, 意味深い, 意義深い, 有意義, 重要
Important having or suggesting a consciousness of high position
Synonyms: 大事, 大事, 重要
Crucial vital to the resolution of a crisis
Synonyms: 大事, 大事, 大切, 大切り, 決定的, 肝心, 肝要, 重大, 重要
Large influential
Synonyms: おっきい, 主要, 大きい, 大事, 大事, 重要
Vital absolutely necessary
Synonyms: 必要, 決定的, 緊要, 肝心, 肝要, 重要

Meanings for each kanji in 重要

» heavy; heap up; pile up; nest of boxes; -fold
» need; main point; essence; pivot; key to

Categories 重要 is a member of

Value the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 重要

Sample Sentences for 重要

Buildings of national importance are relatively safe.
What he says is very important.
Is it really important to you why I quit smoking?
He picked out some important idioms.
The most momentous event in history.

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