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Conjugations for 得る

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verb unspecified, suffix, transitive verb

English Meaning(s) for 得る

verb unspecified, suffix
  1. to be able to ...; can ... (after the -masu stem of a verb)
verb unspecified, transitive verb
  1. to get; to acquire; to obtain; to procure; to earn; to win; to gain; to secure; to attain

Definition and Synonyms for 得る

Gather increase or develop
Synonyms: 儲ける, 勝ち取る, , 増す, 得る, 得る, 捕る
Find receive a specified treatment (abstract)
Synonyms: うける, もらう, いただく, 得る, 得る
Adopt take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
Synonyms: 取る, 帯びる, 得る, 得る, 見す, 見せる
Get reach by calculation
Synonyms: ありつく, 儲ける, 入手, 受け取る, 得る, 得る, 捕る
Win be the winner in a contest or competition
Synonyms: 優勝, 制覇, 勝つ, 勝利, 勝ち取る, 勝ち得る, 受賞, 得る, 得る, 捕る
Make achieve a point or goal
Synonyms: 取る, 得る, 得る, 得点
Have have a personal or business relationship with someone
Synonyms: 得る, 得る, 抱える, 持つ, 擁する, 有する
Experience go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
Synonyms: うける, かぶる, 体験, 味わう, 帯びる, 得る, 得る, 感じる, 感ずる, 抱く, 抱く, 抱く, 経験, 被る
Receive get something
Synonyms: うける, もらう, あずかる, いただく, ちょうだい, 受け取る, 得る, 得る, 貰い受ける
Acquire come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
Synonyms: 得る, 得る
Line Up get something or somebody for a specific purpose
Synonyms: 得る, 得る, 見つける
Acquire win something through one's efforts
Synonyms: 勝ち取る, 勝ち得る, 取得, 取り柄, 得る, 得る, 獲得
Earn acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions
Synonyms: つかむ, 勝ち取る, 勝ち得る, 得る, 得る, 捕る, 稼ぐ
Profit derive a benefit from
Synonyms: 儲かる, 儲ける, 利する, 利得, 得る, 得る, 得する
Win be victorious
Synonyms: 優勝, 制覇, 勝つ, 勝利, 勝ち取る, 勝ち得る, 受賞, 得る, 得る, 捕る
Receive come into possession of
Synonyms: うける, もらう, あずかる, いただく, ちょうだい, 受け取る, 得る, 得る, 貰い受ける

Meanings for each kanji in 得る

» gain; get; find; earn; acquire; can; may; able to; profit; advantage; benefit

Categories 得る is a member of

Change undergo a change
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Increase become bigger or greater in amount
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Hit gain points in a game
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Acquire come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
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Interact act together or towards others or with others
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Undergo pass through
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 得る

Sample Sentences for 得る

We should try to be philosophical about life; wealth gained could also vanish.
If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.
You should be alert to the possible dangers.
Too much exercise can do more harm than good.
I got next to nothing.

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