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noun, outdated reading

Alternate Written Forms:

Outdated Reading
Outdated Reading
Outdated Reading
Outdated Reading

English Meaning(s) for てへん

  1. top; summit; apex; peak
  2. twelve o'clock (usu. midnight) (often in てっぺんを回る or てっぺん回る)
  3. top of one's head; top of a helmet; (top of) scalp; crown (esp. 頂辺 when in kanji)

Definition and Synonyms for てへん

Crown the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head
Synonyms: いただく, てっぺん, , , 天辺, , 頂上
Poll the top of the head
Synonyms: いただく, てっぺん, 天辺, , 頂上
Peak the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
Synonyms: いただく, てっぺん, , , 天辺, 天頂, 山嶺, 山巓, 山頂, , 絶頂, , 頂上, 頂点
Acme the highest point (of something)
Synonyms: てっぺん, 天辺, 天頂, , 頂上, 頂点

Categories てへん is a member of

Extremum the point located farthest from the middle of something
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Upside the highest or uppermost side of anything
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Topographic Point a point located with respect to surface features of some region
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Acme the highest point (of something)
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Stroke Order Diagrams for てへん

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