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Alternate Written Forms:

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Root Words:

[じょ() + じょ() + に]
jo + jo + ni

English Meaning(s) for 徐々に

  1. gradually; steadily; slowly; little by little; step by step; by degrees

Definition and Synonyms for 徐々に

Steadily at a steady rate or pace
Synonyms: ぐんぐん, しっかり, どんどん, コツコツ, 徐々, 徐々に, 着々, 絶えず, 絶える
Bit By Bit in a gradual manner
Synonyms: じわり, じわる, ぎざぎざ, じわっと, じんわり, だんだん, ちびちび, ひたひた, ぼちぼち, ぼつぼつ, ぽちぽち, ぽつぽつ, ゆっくり, ようやく, ようよう, ジワジワ, おもむろに, 少しずつ, 徐々, 徐々に, 次第, 次第に, 次第次第に, 漸次, 漸漸, 漸進的, 追々
Slowly without speed
Synonyms: のそり, やおら, ゆらり, ゆるり, ぐずぐず, じんわり, そろそろ, のそのそ, のっそり, のろのろ, もたもた, ゆっくり, ゆったり, ゆるゆる, ジワジワ, おもむろに, 寛緩, 徐々, 徐々に, 悠々, 緩徐, 遅々
Gently in a gradual manner
Synonyms: 徐々に

Meanings for each kanji in 徐々に

» gradually; slowly; deliberately; gently

Stroke Order Diagrams for 徐々に

Sample Sentences for 徐々に

However, as living standards gradually came to rise, more and more people began to have their own bathrooms at home.
Carriages gradually disappeared with the advent of the motorcar.
She is getting better by slow degrees.
He is getting used to this rural life by degrees.
The number of people who prefer to marry late is gradually rising.

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