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i adjective

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English Meaning(s) for 恐ろしい

i adjective
  1. terrible; dreadful; terrifying; frightening
  2. surprising; startling; tremendous; amazing (often as 恐ろしく)

Definition and Synonyms for 恐ろしい

Fright an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)
Synonyms: こわ, かしこ, おっかない, 怖い, 怖じける, 怖気, 恐る, 恐れ, 恐れる, 恐ろしい, 恐怖, 恐怖心, 脅威
Awful causing fear or dread or terror
Synonyms: すごい, ひどい, むごい, おぞましい, おっかない, ものすごい, おどろおどろしい, 凄まじい, 怖い, 恐る, 恐ろしい, 物恐ろしい
Sick shockingly repellent
Synonyms: おぞましい, 恐ろしい
Monstrously in a grotesque manner
Synonyms: ひどい, ひどく, 恐ろしい, 気味悪い
Horrible provoking horror
Synonyms: すごい, ひどい, むごい, おぞましい, ものすごい, むごたらしい, 凄まじい, 凄惨, 恐ろしい, 悲惨, 惨烈, 無残, 酸鼻
Terrifying causing extreme terror
Synonyms: すごい, ものすごい, 凄まじい, 凄惨, 恐ろしい
Frightful extremely distressing
Synonyms: すごい, ものすごい, おどろおどろしい, 凄まじい, 凄惨, 恐ろしい
Enormous extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
Synonyms: すごい, おっきい, どでかい, ものすごい, おびただしい, とてつもない, ど偉い, 凄まじい, 大きい, 巨大, 恐ろしい, 極大, 洪大, 甚だしい, 甚大, 絶大, 膨大, 至大, 莫大, 馬鹿でかい
Uttermost of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity
Synonyms: 強烈, 恐ろしい, 極度, 極端, 甚だしい, 過激
Wicked intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality
Synonyms: きつい, すごい, ひどい, むごい, いかめしい, こっぴどい, ものすごい, とんでもない, 凄まじい, 厳しい, 大変, 峻烈, 恐ろしい, 深刻, 激しい, 激烈, 激甚, 猛烈, 甚だしい, 甚大, 痛烈, 苛烈, 酷烈
Extreme far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree
Synonyms: めちゃめちゃ, 強烈, 恐ろしい, 極度, 極端, 甚だしい, 過激
Charnel gruesomely indicative of death or the dead
Synonyms: 恐ろしい
Awful extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
Synonyms: 恐ろしい
Monstrously in a hideous manner
Synonyms: 恐ろしい
Horribly of a dreadful kind
Synonyms: ひどい, ひどく, むごい, はなはだ, ものすごい, 恐ろしい
Sick inspiring horror
Synonyms: おぞましい, 恐ろしい
Extreme to an utmost degree
Synonyms: めちゃめちゃ, 強烈, 恐ろしい, 極度, 極端, 甚だしい, 過激

Meanings for each kanji in 恐ろしい

» fear; dread; awe

Categories 恐ろしい is a member of

Emotion any strong feeling
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 恐ろしい

Conjugations for 恐ろしい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 恐ろしい

Words cannot describe the horror I felt.
He prophesied that a dreadful calamity would happen.
A really bad thing happened to him.
She looked terrible at that time.
The prisoners were treated with monstrous cruelty.

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