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noun, adverb

English Meaning(s) for 昨晩

noun, adverb
  1. last night

Meanings for each kanji in 昨晩

» yesterday; previous
» nightfall; night

Stroke Order Diagrams for 昨晩

Sample Sentences for 昨晩

Those oysters I ate last night didn't agree with me.
My neighbor was arrested last night.
She gave a rich dinner for us in her garden last night.
Yesterday evening we heard the President talk on television.
She seems to have slept badly last night.

Comments for 昨晩

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I did some research.

夕べ is the same as 昨夜 (さくや) Here the kanji represent the meaning and not the sound昨夜-pronounced-as-ゆうべ-yuube-and-今日-as-きょう-kyou

昨晩 is more formal and less used. A more common way to say last night is "昨日の夜"

Yahoo search hit amounts confirm these statements:

"昨日の夜" 61.8 million

"昨夜" 2.4 million

"夕べ 1.7 million

"昨晩" 0.6 million


昨晩 is less used


#2 Posted by machigainai over 6 years ago

What is the difference between 昨晩 and yuube? They both mean last night so is one more formal than the other or..?

#1 Posted by Japanesse over 6 years ago

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