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English Meaning(s) for きっと

  1. surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent)
  2. sternly; severely (esp. キッと)
  3. having no slack; rigid; stiff; tight
  4. suddenly; abruptly; instantly

Definition and Synonyms for きっと

Sure As Shooting definitely or positively
Synonyms: きっと, いかさま, 定めし, 定めて, 定める, 必ず, 必ずや, 断じて, 断じる, 断ずる, 相違ない, 相違なく, 確か, 確かに, 確実, 誓う, 誓って
Alright without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion)
Synonyms: きっと
Unquestionably without question and beyond doubt
Synonyms: きっと, しかと, まさに, まさしく, 定めし, 必ず, 必ずや, 必定, 断じて, 断じる, 断ずる, 明確, 是非, 正しい, 正しく, 確かに, 誓う, 誓って
Severely with sternness
Synonyms: きっと, ひしひし, びしびし, ビシッと, 厳に, 厳として, 激しい, 過酷
Severely in a severe manner
Synonyms: きっと, ひしひし, びしびし, ビシッと, 厳に, 厳として, 激しい, 過酷

Stroke Order Diagrams for きっと

Sample Sentences for きっと

It'll definitely rain.
I am sure he will make good in that job.
He is sure to carry out the task assigned to him.
The thief has to be in here. I'm sure somewhere around is his stronghold so if we can just find that we've got him.
He will come to the church without fail.

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