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suru verb, noun, adverb, adverb taking the to particle

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English Meaning(s) for いらいら

suru verb, noun, adverb, adverb taking the to particle
  1. to get irritated; to get annoyed; to be on the edge; to fret; to lose patience

Definition and Synonyms for いらいら

Annoyance the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
Synonyms: いらいら, うるさい, むしゃくしゃ, 患う, 憤懣, 焦燥, 煩い, 煩わしい, 苛立ち, 苛立つ, 苛立たしい
Harshly in a harsh or unkind manner
Synonyms: いらいら, 刺々, 荒々しい
Aggressively in an aggressive manner
Synonyms: いらいら, 刺々, 攻撃的, 激しい
Pettishly in a petulant manner
Synonyms: いらいら, 刺々
Fretfulness an irritable petulant feeling
Synonyms: いらいら, せっかち, じれったい, もどかしい, むしゃくしゃ, 怒りっぽい, 焦燥, , 癇性, 癇癖, 癇癪, 短気

Categories いらいら is a member of

Ill Humour an angry and disagreeable mood
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Psychological State a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic
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Stroke Order Diagrams for いらいら

Sample Sentences for いらいら

This noise is driving me crazy.
She was annoyed because she had been kept waiting.
I was annoyed with him for interrupting me.
My parents keep arguing about stupid things. It's so annoying!
He arrived half an hour late, which annoyed us very much.

Comments for いらいら

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