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English Meaning(s) for ばかり

  1. only; merely; nothing but; no more than
  2. approximately; about
  3. just (finished, etc.) (after the -ta form of a verb)
  4. as if to; (as though) about to (after an attributive form or auxiliary verb ぬ(ん), also often …とばかり(に))
  5. indicates emphasis (often …とばかり(に))
  6. always; constantly

Definition and Synonyms for ばかり

Base the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment
Synonyms: ばかし, ばかり, ユアン, , 付け根, , , , 土台, , , 基地, 基本, 基盤, 基礎, 拠点, , 本拠, 本拠地, 根底, 根拠, 根拠地, 進数
Base the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place
Synonyms: ばかし, ばかり, ユアン, , 付け根, , , , 土台, , , 基地, 基数, 基本, 基盤, 基礎, 拠点, , 本拠, 本拠地, 根底, 根拠, 根拠地, 進数

Categories ばかり is a member of

Bottom the lowest part of anything
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Number a concept of quantity involving zero and units
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Stroke Order Diagrams for ばかり

Sample Sentences for ばかり

The pain in my heart just gets worse.
Because of my recklessness, I have been playing a losing game since childhood.
Not only my daughter but some of her classmates say that they saw the criminal.
In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.

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