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Entry Details for 細

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i adjective

Matched Conjugations:

Adjective stem

English Meaning(s) for 細

i adjective
  1. small; fine; minute
  2. stingy; cheap
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the adjective stem form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 細

Lean lacking excess flesh
Synonyms: ペラペラ, 痩せぎす, か細い, 細い, 細い, 薄い, 薄っぺら, 薄っぺらい
Slight being of delicate or slender build
Synonyms: スリム, 山車, か細い, 細い, 細い, 華奢, 華奢
Small (of a voice) faint
Synonyms: ちっこい, ちっちゃい, 小さい, 小ちゃい, 細い, 細い
Fine of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles
Synonyms: ささやか, 微細, きめ細か, きめ細かい, 細い, 細い, 細か, 細かい, 細やか
Thin of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section
Synonyms: ペラペラ, 細い, 細い, 薄い, 薄っぺら, 薄っぺらい
Fine thin in thickness or diameter
Synonyms: ささやか, 微細, 細い, 細い, 細か, 細かい, 細やか, 繊細
Tenuous very thin in gauge or diameter
Synonyms: 細い, 細い
Narrow not wide
Synonyms: せせこましい, 所狭い, 手狭, 狭い, 狭小, 狭窄, 狭隘, 細い, 細い, 細め, 細める, 細目, 細目
Slender very narrow
Synonyms: 細い, 細い, 細長い, 長っ細い, 長細い
Thinness the property of being very narrow or thin
Synonyms: 細い, 細い, 美しい, 美しさ
Tenuity relatively small dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width
Synonyms: 細い, 細い, 薄い

Meanings for each kanji in 細

» dainty; get thin; taper; slender; narrow

Categories 細 is a member of

Dimension the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height)
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Narrowness the property of being narrow
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 細

Conjugations for 細

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

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