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Entry Details for 沙汰

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 沙汰

noun, suru verb
  1. affair; state; incident; issue; matter
  2. verdict; sentence
  3. directions; orders; command; instructions
  4. notice; information; communication; news; message; tidings; update

Definition and Synonyms for 沙汰

Word information about recent and important events
Synonyms: ニュース, 便り, , 報道, 情報, 新報, 沙汰, 消息, 知る, 知らす, 知らせ, 知らせる, 音信, 音沙汰, 頼る
Order a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
Synonyms: 下命, 下知, , , 司令, , , 命令, , 御言, 指令, 沙汰

Meanings for each kanji in 沙汰

» sand
» luxury; select

Categories 沙汰 is a member of

Information a message received and understood
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Bid an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 沙汰

Sample Sentences for 沙汰

What he did was nothing less than madness.
His conduct was nothing short of madness.
When he was young, he was the talk of town.
Money is everything.
She is thinking of suing as a last resort.

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