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Entry Details for 最大

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noun, no adjective

English Meaning(s) for 最大

noun, no adjective
  1. biggest; greatest; largest; maximum

Definition and Synonyms for 最大

Uttermost the greatest possible degree
Synonyms: いっぱい, マキシマム, マクシマム, 上限, 最大, 最大値, 最大限, 最大限度, 最高, 最高限, 最高限度, 極度
Upper Limit the largest possible quantity
Synonyms: マキシマム, マクシマム, 上限, 最大, 最大値, 最大限, 最大限度, 最高, 最高限, 最高限度, 極大, 極度

Meanings for each kanji in 最大

» utmost; most; extreme
» large; big

Categories 最大 is a member of

Bound the greatest possible degree of something
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Extremum the most extreme possible amount or value
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Large Indefinite Amount an indefinite quantity that is above the average in size or magnitude
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 最大

Sample Sentences for 最大

Truly you are the flower of my life.
The greatest cause of stress for men is work, while for women, human relationships come at the top of the list.
The largest English dictionary has over 450,000 words.
Attack is the best form of defense.
Sleep is the greatest thief, for it steals half one's life.

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