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Entry Details for 小さい

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i adjective

English Meaning(s) for 小さい

i adjective
  1. small; little; tiny
  2. slight; below average (in degree, amount, etc.); minor; small
  3. low (e.g. sound); soft (e.g. voice)
  4. unimportant; petty; insignificant; trifling; trivial
  5. young; juvenile

Definition and Synonyms for 小さい

Smallness the property of having relatively little strength or vigor
Synonyms: 小さい
Niggling small and of little importance
Synonyms: しがない, ちっこい, ちっぽけ, くだらない, たわいない, ちっちゃい, つまらない, トリビアル, 下る, 下がる, 些細, 卑小, 小さ, 小さい, 末梢的, 瑣末, 眇たる, 細かい, 詰まる
Small limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent
Synonyms: ささやか, ささやく, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, 偏狭, 小さ, 小さい, 小ちゃい, 小作り, 小型, 小柄, 小柄, 小柄, 少ない, 所狭い, 狭い, 狭隘, 細か, 細かい, 細やか, 零細
Flyspeck very small
Synonyms: ちっこい, ちっぽけ, ごく小さい, 小さい, 微小
Lesser of less size or importance
Synonyms: 小さい
Small-Scale limited in size or scope
Synonyms: ささやか, ささやく, ちっちゃい, 小さい, 小ちゃい, 小規模, 零細
Softened being or made softer or less loud or clear
Synonyms: のろい, 小さい, 弱める, 遅い, 鈍い
Small (of a voice) faint
Synonyms: ちっこい, ちっちゃい, 小さい, 小ちゃい, 細い, 細い
Low very low in volume
Synonyms: ちっちゃい, 低い, 小さい
Peanut of little importance or influence or power
Synonyms: なじる, わずか, つまらない, 些細, 安っぽい, 小さい, 末梢的, 眇たる, 詰まる, 軽微
Smallness the property of having a relatively small size
Synonyms: ちっこい, ちっちゃい, , , , , 小さい, 小型, 小振り, ,
Little small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context)
Synonyms: ちっこい, 小さ, 小さい
Immature (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth
Synonyms: ちっちゃい, 小さい, 年少, 年若, 年若い, 幼い, 幼稚, 未成熟, 若い
Small (of children and animals) young, immature
Synonyms: ちっこい, ちっちゃい, いたいけない, 小さい, 小ちゃい, 幼い
Humble low or inferior in station or quality
Synonyms: ちんけ, ささやか, ささやく, しがない, ちっちゃい, はしたない, 下劣, 下等, 下等, 下賎, 些細, 低い, 卑しい, 卑俗, 卑劣, 卑賎, 取るに足りない, 小さい, 汚い, 粗末, 薄い, 貧寒, 貧賎, 質素, 陋劣
Little low in stature
Synonyms: ちび, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, ちんちくりん, 低い, 小さ, 小さい, 短い
Peanut of minor status
Synonyms: なじる, わずか, つまらない, 些細, 安っぽい, 小さい, 末梢的, 眇たる, 詰まる, 軽微
Little not tall
Synonyms: ちび, ちっこい, ちっちゃい, ちんちくりん, 低い, 小さ, 小さい, 短い

Meanings for each kanji in 小さい

» little; small

Categories 小さい is a member of

Size the physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
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Weakness the property of lacking physical or mental strength
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 小さい

Conjugations for 小さい

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

Sample Sentences for 小さい

The desk is too small for Meg.
"Oh let's!" said the little black rabbit and with a hop, skip, and a jump, he sailed right over the little white rabbit's back.
Lower your voice.
There is a small pond in the court.
Turn that radio down at once.

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