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Entry Details for 少し

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adverb, noun

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English Meaning(s) for 少し

adverb, noun
  1. small quantity; little; few; something
  2. little while
  3. short distance

Definition and Synonyms for 少し

Mildly to a moderate degree
Synonyms: わずかに, 少し
A Trifle to a small degree
Synonyms: やや, やや, いやや, ちっと, わずか, いささか, ちっとも, ちびっと, ちょっと, ぽっちり, ぽつぽつ, もそっと, ちょっくら, ちょびっと, ポツリポツリ, ちっとやそっと, 一寸, 何らか, 多少, 少々, 少し, 少しく, 幾分, 心持ち, 若干
More Or Less to a small degree or extent
Synonyms: やや, ちっと, ちょい, わずか, いくらか, いささか, ちょっと, ちょびっと, 一寸, 多少, 少々, 少し, 幾分, 心なし, 心なしか, 心持ち
Piece an instance of some kind
Synonyms: 一つ, 少し
A Trifle somewhat
Synonyms: やや, やや, いやや, ちっと, わずか, いささか, ちっとも, ちびっと, ちょっと, ぽっちり, ぽつぽつ, もそっと, ちょっくら, ちょびっと, ポツリポツリ, ちっとやそっと, 一寸, 何らか, 多少, 少々, 少し, 少しく, 幾分, 心持ち, 若干

Meanings for each kanji in 少し

» few; little

Categories 少し is a member of

Instance an occurrence of something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 少し

Sample Sentences for 少し

If you have any interesting books, lend me some.
He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.
I'm satisfied if he has become any wiser.
Girl as she was, Joan was not daunted at all.
He's been feeling a little on edge recently.

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