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Entry Details for 妥当

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 妥当

na adjective, noun
  1. valid; proper; right; appropriate; reasonable

Definition and Synonyms for 妥当

Adequate having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
Synonyms: 10分, 剴切, 十分, 妥当, 有能, 相応, 適す, 適した, 適する, 適切, 適当
Appropriate suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc
Synonyms: しかるべき, ふさわしい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 剴切, 妥当, 相応, それ相応, 適す, 適した, 適する, 適切, 適度, 適当, 適正, 順当
Proper appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs
Synonyms: しかるべき, もってこい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 剴切, 妥当, 持ってくる, 相応, 適す, 適した, 適する, 適任, 適切, 適当, 適正, 順当
Pertinent being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
Synonyms: 合目的, 合目的的, 妥当, 的確, 適切, 適当
Correct correct in opinion or judgment
Synonyms: いい, いい, もっとも, 公正, 妥当, 最も, 正しい, 正確, 的確, 良い, 適切, 適当, 適正
Meet being precisely fitting and right
Synonyms: うってつけ, ふさわしい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 好適, 妥当, 格好, 理想的, 適切, 適当
Reasonable not excessive or extreme
Synonyms: まずまず, リーズナブル, 中正, 値ごろ, 妥当, 手ごろ, 正当, 相応, 至当, 適切, 適正
Proper marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
Synonyms: よろしい, 似つかわしい, 似合わしい, 剴切, 妥当, 正しい, 相応, 適す, 適した, 適する, 適切, 適当, 適正
Reasonable showing reason or sound judgment
Synonyms: 合理的, 妥当, 正当, 穏当, 至当, 賢明, 順当
Pertinent having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand
Synonyms: 妥当, 適切
Valid well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
Synonyms: 妥当, 有効
Beseem accord or comport with
Synonyms: はまる, 叶う, 妥当, 能う, 適する, 適合

Meanings for each kanji in 妥当

» gentle; peace; depravity
» hit; right; appropriate; himself

Categories 妥当 is a member of

Jibe be compatible, similar or consistent
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 妥当

Sample Sentences for 妥当

A more plausible proposal is the one Leech presented in conjunction with Emmet's theory.
Any doubts about the validity of this argument are promptly forgotten once we see the data.
In the opening paragraphs I query the validity of so-called supply-side economic strategies.
I do not consider her choice of music a happy one.
I should point out that it is necessary to re-examine the validity of Emmet's theory.

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