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na adjective

Root Words:

[てん()·けい() + てき()]
tenkei + teki

English Meaning(s) for 典型的

na adjective
  1. typical; representative; archetypal; quintessential; stereotypical; model

Definition and Synonyms for 典型的

Distinctive of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing
Synonyms: ティピカル, 代表的, 典型的, 特有, 類型的
Typical conforming to a type
Synonyms: 典型的
Typical exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category
Synonyms: ティピカル, 一般的, 代表的, 典型的
Typic being or serving as an illustration of a type
Synonyms: 典型的, 寓意的
Representative serving to represent or typify
Synonyms: 代表的, 典型的

Meanings for each kanji in 典型的

» code; ceremony; law; rule
» mould; type; model
» bull's eye; mark; target; object; adjective ending

Stroke Order Diagrams for 典型的

Sample Sentences for 典型的

What is a typical British dinner?
Let's listen to the people of Deal talk about their jobs and their everyday lives.
He's a typical workaholic.
He seems to be a typical American boy.
Even now, the typical worker's whole life is still bound up with the company he works for.

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