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Entry Details for 立証

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 立証

noun, suru verb
  1. establishing proof; demonstration; substantiation

Definition and Synonyms for 立証

Demonstrate provide evidence for
Synonyms: 実証, 示す, 立証, 証す, 証す, 証する, 証明
Show provide evidence for
Synonyms: 実証, 明かす, 物語る, 示す, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 裏書, 証す, 証す, 証する, 証拠だてる, 証明
Bear Out support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm
Synonyms: 実証, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 証拠だてる
Affirm establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
Synonyms: 実証, 確証, 立証, 裏付ける
Proof the act of validating
Synonyms: プルーフ, 確認, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 裏書, 証明, 論証
Validate prove valid
Synonyms: 実証, 立証
Confirmation additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
Synonyms: 傍証, 実証, 検証, 確証, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける
Show establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
Synonyms: 基礎付ける, 実証, 示す, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 証す, 証す, 証する, 証拠だてる, 証明, 論証
Proof finding or testing the truth of something
Synonyms: プルーフ, 確認, 立証, 裏付け, 裏付ける, 裏書, 証明, 論証
Validate show or confirm the validity of something
Synonyms: 実証, 立証
Demonstrate stand as proof of
Synonyms: 実証, 示す, 立証, 証す, 証す, 証する, 証明
Demonstrate show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes
Synonyms: 実証, 示す, 立証, 証す, 証す, 証する, 証明

Meanings for each kanji in 立証

» stand up; rise; set up; erect
» evidence; proof; certificate

Categories 立証 is a member of

Finding the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation
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Affirm establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
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Inform impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
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Show provide evidence for
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Jibe be compatible, similar or consistent
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Proof any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 立証

Sample Sentences for 立証

Damning evidence was produced against him.
The result confirmed my hypothesis.
They substantiated their claim by producing dated receipts.
The police established where he was when the crime occurred.
I can testify to that.

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