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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%22%E3%81%AA%E3%81%8F%22]

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Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much.
Nothing is achieved without effort.
Many people drift through life without a purpose.
We don't see things as they are, but as we are.
Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability.
What changes the world is communication, not information.
The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.
You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.
He disappeared without a trace.
There was no damage to the office, or workers, and we're in business as usual.
It's the prevention of migraines during daily life that's important, not dealing with migraines when they occur.
I don't lose my appetite when I get stressed, rather I can't calm down unless I eat something.
When investigating the pH (acidic, neutral, alkaline) of a liquid, don't soak the litmus paper completely in the liquid but just put the end of the paper in it.
That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.
I know companies are looking for work carried out flawlessly.
I'm living on welfare, without a car or anything.
They should go, regardless of whether they're men or women.
However he wasn't seriously hurt and got away with light bruising.
This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb.
This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.

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