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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E5%25A4%259A%25E3%2581%258F]

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He has a large family to support.
He is different from the people around him.
He had to spend many barren days.
He is superior to me in many respects.
He is great in many ways.
He asked the same question of many people.
He is well spoken of by many people.
He likes playing soccer with a lot of people watching.
He is confronted by many difficulties.
He did the work in spite of many obstacles.
He received a lot of praise.
He devoted much time to study.
He devoted a lot of time to study.
He had to undergo many trials.
He is endowed with many talents.
He is endowed with many talents.
He has overcome many obstacles.
He told us he had gone through many hardships.
He overcame many difficulties.
He succeeded in the face of many difficulties.

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