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Expressions and smiles change like that just from applying rouge and lipstick.
Hold them there! Don't let them into the city!
This encyclopaedia is convenient for looking up things.
Good points: The pleasure of disposing of enemies with a variety of combos.
He's doing in-depth research on ancient history.
It bears fruit, but it seems it may even set root from cuttings?
I'd like to hear about black magic. I was only told the highlights in the academy, and it interests me.
Smiling cheerfully, the two began to walk off into their brilliant future.
I thought I could settle it by phone.
We three sisters opened a coffee shop.
Please don't draw the curtains when the window is open.
I myself have, before becoming employed by this company, twice spoken bluntly to the people at the top.
In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they're also often called "contraceptive rings".
The weak point of this book is that it's less than persuasive when the married author recommends not being married.
The basis of this system is that the students must take turns in teaching, they have to help each other.
Therefore we had to help each other and in that way the bonds between me and my sister were strong.
In the OECD survey, northern European countries are keeping their high ranking in tax-rates.
That's just standard practise, it's not like they're cutting corners.
People are cool when they're gutsy, doesn't matter if they're men or women.
It also has a strong flavour, and adds depth to Chinese food such as soups and stir-fries.

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