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No matter what I do, she says I can do better.
You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.
I don't have anyone who'd travel with me.
This is a pun.
It's useless to keep on thinking any more.
I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there's something we want to do...
It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself.
Stop seeing me as a "normal" person!
Stop thinking of me as just an average person.
I wish I could care more about my grades but it seems that, at a certain point of my life, I decided they wouldn't be so important anymore.
"Who is it?" "It's your mother."
"When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather."
"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."
"To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!"
"This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed.
"This looks pretty interesting," Hiroshi says.
Someday I'll run like the wind.
"She likes music." "So do I."
Please don't cry.

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