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We must take into account the fact that he is young.
Taking all things into consideration, I have made up my mind to give up the idea.
Statesmen should take account of public opinion.
Statesmen should take public opinion into account.
We must allow for some delays.
I have taken everything into consideration.
We must allow for his age.
We must take his youth into account.
We ought to make allowances for his difficult situation.
We should have taken the schedule into consideration.
We have to take this problem into consideration.
We must take this matter into account as a whole.
We will take your feelings into account.
In our plans, we failed to take the weather into account.
The judge took into consideration the fact that it was his first offense.
Have you allowed for any error in your calculation?
You must take his age into account.
You must allow for his youth.
You had better take into consideration that you are no longer young.
You need not take account of the fact.

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