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But other things would need to be taken into account as well.
You should allow for a few rainy days on your trip.
When we take the wind-chill factor into account, the temperature must have been lower than thirty degrees below zero centigrade.
You should take her illness into consideration.
You should make allowances for her age.
You should reckon with her obstinate character.
You should take her illness into consideration.
We must allow for her poor health.
We must take into account the fact that she is old.
They failed to take into account the special needs of old people.
They took every possibility into consideration.
He ought to have made allowances for his age.
He took no account of the fact.
You had better take account of his age.
You should take account of his mental condition.
We should take his youth into account.
We must take his illness into consideration before marking his exam.
In judging his work, we must take account of his lack of experience.
In judging his work, we must take his lack of experience into account.
You should reckon with his obstinate character.

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