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Don't make sport of me.
I looked to see if he was teasing me.
I was being made a fool of.
When we made fun of her, she blushed.
Don't make fun of children.
The children were going to make sport of her.
A teacher should never make fun of a pupil who makes a mistake.
Teachers should never make fun of students who make mistakes.
A teacher should never make fun of a student who makes a mistake.
It is easy to get the cranky man's goat by teasing him.
Don't make fun of foreigners.
Don't make fun of foreigners' mistakes in Japanese.
We made fun of him about this.
He was always pulling my leg when we worked together.
Mary is not used to being made fun of in the presence of others.
Mary is not used to being made fun of.
Tom would often play jokes on the teacher.
Tom always makes fun of John because of his dialect.
Tom always makes fun of John because of his dialect.
Sometimes the boys would play a joke on the teacher.

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