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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E3%81%99%E3%81%B9%E3%81%8D]

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You should have refused such an unfair proposal.
You should've rejected such an unfair proposal.
For a display where the data items increase and decrease I think you are best making use of a spreadsheet program, not Access.
Your words are supposed to correspond to your actions, but that is not easy to put into practice.
I say "should", because theses written in the present tense are still seen around and about.
You should try to get along with your neighbours.
You should try to get along with your neighbors.
You have to concentrate on your recovery.
We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip.
Not being able to decide what the priority should be is the biggest problem.
You should visit him by appointment.
The problem is what to do next.
The problem is what we should do with this money.
You should not be absent without notice.
You should try to live within your income.
You shouldn't look down on a person for being poor.
You should never look down upon a man merely because he is poor.
She insisted that he be invited to the party.
She remarked that I should quit smoking.
She said that I should quit smoking.

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