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Tom was given detention for talking during class.
In the tent we talked and talked.
They are having a chat.
We would often have a chat in this coffee shop.
They not only washed off the sweat, dirt and cares of the day in the hot water, but also enjoyed gossiping about everyday affairs.
Stop talking and listen to me.
Cut the talking and listen.
Hold your tongue and listen to me.
Stop chattering and finish your work.
Cut the chit-chat and get to work.
A talkative person is always letting the cat out of the bag and jeopardizing the interests of others.
Let's attend to our work instead of talking.
I like him apart from the fact that he talks too much.
Americans on the whole are a talkative people.
He is too ready to speak.
How that woman runs on!
The teenage friends stayed up talking all night.
Women usually have the gift of gab.
Don't talk in the classroom.
She chatted with her friends about the football game over coffee.

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