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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E3%2582%2588%25E3%2581%258F]

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She'll sit there for hours without doing anything.
She would often practice the violin on the roof.
She is often late for school on a rainy day.
She will get well in a week.
She was in the habit of sitting up late at night.
She did well by me.
She would often go to the theater when she was in London.
She is often absent without leave.
She would often play the piano after school.
She bore her sorrow well.
She is often mistaken for her sister.
She is charming as well as diligent.
She works hard.
She was frequently late for school.
She was often late for school.
She would cite from the Bible.
She would often come late for school.
She pretended to be hard of hearing.
She would often play tricks on me.
She will often listen to records for hours.

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