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"If you don't get in our way any more, I could see my way to letting bygones be bygones." "That's remarkably generous ..."
Father was generous enough to indulge my every whim.
The lady tolerated the man.
Her mind is broad enough to listen to his son.
He is generous to his friends.
He is by nature a generous person.
He is by nature a generous person.
He pleaded with the judge for mercy.
I am told he has a broad back.
True, he likes to show off, but he is kind and generous.
He is tolerant in religious belief of others.
His parents are tolerant of his self-indulgence.
I had great admiration for his generosity.
He is generous to his opponents.
The queen was gracious enough to invite us.
Take a liberal view of young people.
We should not take advantage of the generosity of a friend.
I always say to myself to be generous.
You should not play on his generous nature.
You had better not play on his generous nature.

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