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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%2525E5%252580%25259F%2525E3%252582%25258A%2525E3%252582%25258B]

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May I use your toilet?
May I use your toilet?
Can I use your telephone?
Pigeons can find their way home with the help of the Earth's magnetic field.
Can I use your typewriter?
I had rented it the day before.
If you're finished reading that book, I'd like to borrow it.
I borrowed the screwdriver from a friend of mine.
Excuse me. I'd like to rent a car.
Mr Smith, whose car I borrowed for this trip, is a rich lawyer.
Would you mind if I borrowed your car?
Excuse me, Joe, can I use your phone?
Sally admitted that she borrowed the scarf but said she was not guilty.
Is it okay if I borrow these books?
You can borrow these books from the library for a week.
These books can be borrowed from the library for one week.
How long may I keep this?
I borrowed this cartoon from his older sister.
I borrowed this comic from his sister.
May I borrow this book?

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