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Apparently an old friend of mine is going to a university in Osaka in Spring.
The professor who invented it has the right to reasonable remuneration from the university.
It seems as it was a shot-gun wedding so they're having a quiet wedding with only family and a couple of friends from university invited.
I pay my university fees to go to university by part-time work. Well, I'm a 'working student' I suppose.
I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.
I've already had the entrance ceremony. It's a university alongside the same railway line.
Why would a university lecturer of all people end up responsible for a murder?
For example, I am in a high-level math class that actually gives me college credits for next year.
All you have to do is study hard to get into a good college.
His parents battled to send him to college.
My parents expect me to enter the university.
His parents want him to go to college.
Next year, we'll be starting college.
We'll be starting college next year.
Next week, I will sit a university entrance examination.
The post office is not far from your college.
I will go to the university tomorrow, too.
In fact, he hardly ever complains about his college life.
Not all the students of this school go on to university.
Our university building is now under construction on a hillside in the north of Fukuoka.

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