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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%25E7%25A7%2598%25E5%25AF%2586]

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I got the secret out of Mr Yoshida.
I have no one to confide in.
Will you impart the secret to me?
Will you please tell me the secret?
Will you impart the secret to me?
Will you please tell me the secret?
He said we must keep the secret.
Let's keep our design dark for a short time.
I told this secret to you alone.
Dead men tell no tales.
The investigation by the police brought their secret life to light.
Can you keep a secret?
You may as well keep it a secret.
It is important for you to keep this secret.
I will tell you a secret.
You did well to keep the secret.
Who shall ever unravel the mysteries of the sea?
Who is able to reveal the mysteries of the sea?
The conference was cloaked in secrecy.
We bound her to secrecy.

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