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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E8%B1%8A%E3%81%8B]

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India has a cuisine rich in regional flavour.
Traveling will immensely enrich our minds.
The male peacock has colorful tail feathers.
In an affluent society most people have a high standard of living.
It seems that the rich part of humanity doesn't care much for the problems of the poor part.
How to distribute abundance is a great problem.
It is a pity that some people starve to death even in the midst of plenty.
The affluence of the United States is often contrasted with the poverty of undeveloped countries.
Rich soil yields good crops.
She has abundant hair.
She is a gifted artist.
She has an extremely expressive singing voice.
She has great ability in teaching English.
She could not accept the fact that she and her students had so much while other people had so little.
They may be poor, but rich in spirit.
He sang the song with great expression.
He has experience as well as knowledge.
He has a rich imagination.
He is an experienced teacher.
Japanese literature, in spite of its beauty and riches, is as yet inadequately known in the West.

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