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Imagination affects every aspect of our lives.
This is centrifugal force; Newton viewed it as absolute motion.
This is centrifugal force, which Newton viewed as absolute motion.
The weak point of this book is that it's less than persuasive when the married author recommends not being married.
Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted.
At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
I immediately lost my concentration.
If the more advanced want to improve English ability (especially reading comprehension) increasing vocabulary is the way to go.
He's just a normal junior high school student, not particularly intelligent.
In fact, an artist lacking in confidence and fortitude would lose focus after 2 or 3 hours.
I can only put this poor checking down to lack of people at work.
Our competitive position is weakened by the rising labor cost.
Greed seems to have blinded his good judgement.
The strengthening of competitiveness on export markets is an urgent need.
The lawyer spoke convincingly on behalf of his client.
Our engineers compared this information with similar products being sold in Japan and concluded that they might compete very well.
The average man fails not because he lacks ability, but because he lacks ability to concentrate.
She gave them the benefit of her insight.
Her proficiency in English rapidly improved.
She's a good photographer because she's so observant.

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