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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E9%A3%BD%E3%81%8D%E3%82%8B]

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I'm tired of eating fast food.
When you're fed up with the school cafe you can buy something at Bellfa or eat at a family restaurant.
It's just if we have it every day we're bound to get fed up with it. I must increase the variety of my cooking.
In a word, he tires of everything.
I am quite tired of daily routine.
To tell the truth, I am tired of it.
I'm getting sick of the ride.
I'm getting sick of hearing you complain.
I'm tired of watching television.
I was bored with the monotony of daily life.
I'm fed up with her grumbling.
He got tired of reading.
He is tired of reading.
He is weary of his work.
He is tired of watching television.
He got tired of the work, and left it half-done.
He will soon be weary of the task.
He tried to learn Greek, but soon got tired and gave it up.
I was tired of his long talk.
I am sick of his long speech.

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