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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E5%BF%83]

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I am curious.
I'm curious.
A healthy curiosity is truly a fine thing.
There were times, at falling night, when he looked up with curiosity to the stars.
My predecessors had asked their questions of nature with genuine curiosity and awaited her reply.
She has no thought of self.
She is full of adventure.
She has a great appetite for adventure.
She is beautiful, intelligent and, what is best of all, very kind-hearted.
She was so curious that she opened the box.
She has begun to play tennis not so much out of curiosity as out of vanity.
She did so out of curiosity.
She laughed to cover her fear.
She laughed to cover her fear.
Her story excited curiosity in the children.
They don't love their school enough.
Their curiosity was aroused.
He is a lump of selfishness.
He is a man with enterprise.
He was full of adventure.

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