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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [%E6%B7%B7%E3%81%9C%E3%82%8B]

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Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar.
You can not mix oil and water.
You can't mix oil and water.
I tried this and that, blending yellow with white powders and obtaining brown, mixing crystals with powders and getting dust, combining liquids with solids and making mud.
Mix the flour with two eggs.
They gave him a glass of orange juice laced with vodka.
He made the soup by mixing a little meat with some rice.
He mixed sugar with milk.
Red and blue paint mixed together give us purple.
Blend the red paint with the blue paint.
Blend the blue paint with the yellow paint.
Add water and mix to a firm dough.
I'd like to have smaller bills mixed in.
Blend milk and eggs together.
The milk was adulterated with water.
You should not adulterate wine with water.
Stir the mixture until it foams, then set it aside.
Blend butter and flour before adding the other ingredients of the cake.
Did you know that if you mixed red and blue paint you obtained purple?
Mix about four cups of white flour with a pinch of salt

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