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Stroke Order Diagram for 深くなかった

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i adjective

Matched Conjugations:

Plain Past Indicative Negative Form

English Meaning(s) for 深くなかった

i adjective
  1. deep
  2. profound
  3. dense; thick
  4. close (relationship)
  5. intense; strong
  6. late
* Please note, you are viewing the Japanese readings in the plain past indicative negative form, while the english meanings are based on the dictionary form.

Definition and Synonyms for 深くなかった

Deep strong
Synonyms: 深い, 濃い
Impenetrable permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter
Synonyms: 厚い, 深い, 濃い, 重たい
Deep extending relatively far inward
Synonyms: 深い
Deeply to a great depth psychologically
Synonyms: ぐっと, ぐんと, こわい, しみじみ, ぞっこん, つくづく, ふつふつ, 強い, 深い, 深く
Deeply to a great depth
Synonyms: 深々, 深々, 深い, 深く
Profoundness the quality of being physically deep
Synonyms: 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み
Profoundness intellectual depth
Synonyms: 厚み, 奥深い, 奥深さ, 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み
Profoundness wisdom that is recondite and abstruse and profound
Synonyms: 奥深い, 奥深さ, 深い, 深さ, 深遠, 玄妙
Depth the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intense
Synonyms: 深い, 深さ
Deepness the extent downward or backward or inward
Synonyms: 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み, 深度
Thick having component parts closely crowded together
Synonyms: , 木深い, 深い, 濃い, 濃密, 稠密
Deep having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center
Synonyms: 奥深い, 深い
Unfathomed situated at or extending to great depth
Synonyms: 深い
Deep relatively deep or strong
Synonyms: 深い
Wakeless (of sleep) deep and complete
Synonyms: 深い
Profound coming from deep within one
Synonyms: 深い
Abstruse difficult to penetrate
Synonyms: 深い, 難解
Deep with head or back bent low
Synonyms: 深い
Deep extreme
Synonyms: 深い, 痛切
Profound of the greatest intensity
Synonyms: 深い, 深奥, 深甚, 深遠
Thick (of darkness) very intense
Synonyms: 深い
Profound showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth
Synonyms: 奥妙, 奥深い, 深い, 深奥, 深甚, 深遠
Deep marked by depth of thinking
Synonyms: 奥深い, 深い, 深甚, 深遠, 深長, 甚深
Sexual involved in a sexual relationship
Synonyms: 性的, 深い, 親密
Deep relatively thick from top to bottom
Synonyms: 深い
Thick relatively dense in consistency
Synonyms: バルキー, 厚い, 厚手, , 深い, 濃い, 濃厚, 濃密, 稠密
Deep intense
Synonyms: 深い, 濃い
Abstruse incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
Synonyms: 深い, 難解
Deep affecting one deeply
Synonyms: 深い
Profound complete
Synonyms: 深い, 深奥, 深甚, 深遠
Deeply far down
Synonyms: 深々, 深々, 深い, 深く
Unfathomed too deep to have been sounded or plumbed
Synonyms: 深い
Profoundness penetrating knowledge
Synonyms: 厚み, 奥深い, 奥深さ, 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み
Profoundness keen insight
Synonyms: 厚み, 奥深い, 奥深さ, 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み
Profoundness etc
Synonyms: 厚み, 奥深い, 奥深さ, 奥行き, 深い, 深さ, 深み

Meanings for each kanji in 深くなかった

» deep; heighten; intensify; strengthen

Categories 深くなかった is a member of

Depth degree of psychological or intellectual profundity
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Wisdom accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
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Attribute an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
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Extent the distance or area or volume over which something extends
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Deepness the extent downward or backward or inward
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 深くなかった

Conjugations for 深くなかった

Adjective stem
Negative te-form
Adverbial Form
Plain Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Past Indicative Form
Past Indicative Negative Form
Provisional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Present Indicative Negative Colloquial Form
Conditional Form
Present Indicative Form
Present Indicative Negative Form
Nominalized Form
Objective Form

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