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Stroke Order Diagram for 高級

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na adjective, no adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 高級

na adjective, no adjective, noun
  1. high class; high grade
na adjective, noun, no adjective
  1. high rank; seniority

Definition and Synonyms for 高級

Superiority the quality of being superior
Synonyms: とびきり, ハイクラス, ハイクオリティ, 上等, 上質, 出群, 出色, 卓出, 卓抜, 卓越, 極上, 特出, , 秀抜, 秀逸, 絶倫, 至上, 至高, 超凡, 超絶, 超越, 高品位, 高品質, 高級
High-Altitude occurring at or from a relative high altitude
Synonyms: 高級
High greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount
Synonyms: でかい, おっきい, 大きい, 高い, 高度, 高等, 高級
Superior of high or superior quality or performance
Synonyms: 上等, 佳良, 優れた, 優れる, 優秀, 優等, 優良, 勝る, , 良質, 高級
Top-Hole excellent
Synonyms: 高級
Top-Quality surpassing in quality
Synonyms: ハイグレード, 上等, 高級
Senior older
Synonyms: 高級
Eminent standing above others in quality or position
Synonyms: えらい, 高い, 高等, 高級
Upper-Level at an elevated level in rank or importance
Synonyms: えらい, 高級
Senior higher in rank
Synonyms: 高級
Top-Hole best possible
Synonyms: 高級
Senior longer in length of tenure or service
Synonyms: 高級

Meanings for each kanji in 高級

» tall; high; expensive
» class; rank; grade

Categories 高級 is a member of

Quality a degree or grade of excellence or worth
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 高級

Sample Sentences for 高級

It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
An expensive car is a status symbol.
We had dinner in an expensive restaurant and stayed at a high-class hotel.
Tom bought a really expensive, well-made pair of shoes.
Tom can't explain the difference between cheap wine and expensive wine.

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