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Stroke Order Diagram for 唐突

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 唐突

na adjective, noun
  1. abrupt; sudden

Definition and Synonyms for 唐突

Out Of The Blue not anticipated
Synonyms: にわか, 不意, 予想外, 出し抜く, 出し抜け, 唐突, 思いがけない, 意外, 意想外, 打ち付ける, 突然
Sudden happening without warning or in a short space of time
Synonyms: にわか, 不意, 出し抜く, 出し抜け, 卒爾, 唐突, , 急激, 慮外, 打ち付ける, 短兵急, 突然, 突発的
Abrupt exceedingly sudden and unexpected
Synonyms: にわか, 不意, 出し抜く, 出し抜け, 卒爾, 唐突, , 急激, 打ち付ける, 短兵急, 突然
Surprising causing surprise or wonder or amazement
Synonyms: 不意, 予想外, 唐突, 存外, 意外, 意想外, 異様, 驚くべき

Meanings for each kanji in 唐突

» T'ang; China
» stab; protruding; thrusting; thrust; pierce; prick

Stroke Order Diagrams for 唐突

Sample Sentences for 唐突

She looked puzzled at the abrupt question posed by a reporter.
That is rather unexpected.
He was confused by a sudden question.

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