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Stroke Order Diagram for 同様

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no adjective, na adjective, noun, noun, used as a suffix

English Meaning(s) for 同様

no adjective, na adjective, noun, noun, used as a suffix
  1. same; similar; (just) like; equal

Definition and Synonyms for 同様

Similar marked by correspondence or resemblance
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同
Likewise equally
Synonyms: また, やっぱし, 同じく, 同様
Likewise in like or similar manner
Synonyms: また, やっぱし, 同じく, 同様, 同様に, 等しい, 等しく
Same unchanged in character or nature
Synonyms: 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同一, 同様
Equal having the same quantity, value, or measure as another
Synonyms: イコール, 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同様, 同等, 平等, 等しい
Like resembling or similar
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同
Identical exactly alike
Synonyms: クリソツ, 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同一, 同様, 同然
As to the same degree
Synonyms: 同様, 同等, 等しい, 等しく, 負けず劣らず
Like having the same or similar characteristics
Synonyms: 共通, 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 同然, 等しい, 近い, 類同
Like equal in amount or value
Synonyms: 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同一, 同様, 同然, 等しい
Same closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree
Synonyms: 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同一, 同様, 同然
Like conforming in every respect
Synonyms: 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同様, 同然, 等しい
Like having the same or some of the same characteristics
Synonyms: 同じる, 同ずる, 同じよう, 同様, 近い, 類同
Identical incapable of being perceived as different
Synonyms: クリソツ, 同じ, 同じる, 同ずる, 同一, 同様, 同然

Meanings for each kanji in 同様

» same; agree; equal
» Esq.; way; manner; situation; polite suffix

Stroke Order Diagrams for 同様

Sample Sentences for 同様

You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.
Another event that has the same behaviour would also be fine.
He teaches mathematics as well as English.
This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.
Kate is no less charming than her sister is.

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