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Stroke Order Diagram for 発達

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noun, suru verb

English Meaning(s) for 発達

noun, suru verb
  1. development; growth

Definition and Synonyms for 発達

Growth a progression from simpler to more complex forms
Synonyms: プログレス, 成長, 発展, 発育, 発達, 進化, 進歩
Evolution a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)
Synonyms: エボリューション, 展開, 発展, 発達, 進化, 進展, 進歩
Maturation the process of an individual organism growing organically
Synonyms: 個体発生, 化生, 化生, 増殖, 成熟, 成育, 成長, 生育, 生長, 発育, 発達, 育ち, 育つ
Advance develop in a positive way
Synonyms: 上進, 上達, 伸びる, 向上, 増進, 発展, 発達, 進展, 進歩
Maturate develop and reach maturity
Synonyms: する, なる, なる, なる, こなす, ませる, こなれる, 伸びる, 円熟, 大人びる, 完熟, 実る, 成熟, 成り立つ, 成育, 成長, 熟す, 熟む, 熟する, 熟れる, 熟れる, 熟成, 生す, 生い立つ, 生育, 生まれ育つ, 生長, 産す, 発展, 発毛, 発生, 発育, 発達, 練る, 練れる, 老成, 老熟, 育つ, 長ける, 長じる, 長ずる
Develop grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment
Synonyms: はだける, 伸びる, 伸長, 展延, 展開, 成長, 振興, 生い立つ, 発展, 発育, 発達, 育つ, 進化, 進歩, 開く, 開く, 開ける, 開ける, 開化
Develop generate gradually
Synonyms: 展開, 振興, 発展, 発達, 開発
Growth the gradual beginning or coming forth
Synonyms: 伸び, 伸びる, 出現, 成長, 生い立ち, 生い立つ, 生育, 生長, 発展, 発生, 発育, 発達, 育ち, 育つ, 膨張
Advance a change for the better
Synonyms: かいぜん, アドバンス, 上達, 前進, 向上, 改良, 発展, 発達, 荒む, 進み, 進む, 進展, 進歩
Developing processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible
Synonyms: デベロップメント, 啓発, 展開, 成長, 現像, 生育, 発展, 発育, 発達, 経過, 進歩, 開発, 養成
Maturate undergo maturation
Synonyms: する, なる, なる, なる, こなす, ませる, こなれる, 伸びる, 円熟, 大人びる, 完熟, 実る, 成熟, 成り立つ, 成育, 成長, 熟す, 熟む, 熟する, 熟れる, 熟れる, 熟成, 生す, 生い立つ, 生育, 生まれ育つ, 生長, 産す, 発展, 発毛, 発生, 発育, 発達, 練る, 練れる, 老成, 老熟, 育つ, 長ける, 長じる, 長ずる
Maturation a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level
Synonyms: 個体発生, 化生, 化生, 増殖, 成熟, 成育, 成長, 生育, 生長, 発育, 発達, 育ち, 育つ
Advance progress in development
Synonyms: かいぜん, アドバンス, 上達, 前進, 向上, 改良, 発展, 発達, 荒む, 進み, 進む, 進展, 進歩

Meanings for each kanji in 発達

» discharge; departure; publish; emit; start from; disclose; counter for gunshots
» accomplished; reach; arrive; attain

Categories 発達 is a member of

Process a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states
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Grow become larger, greater, or bigger
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Develop grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment
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Generate bring into existence
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Beginning the event consisting of the start of something
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Shift a qualitative change
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Evolution a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage)
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Processing preparing or putting through a prescribed procedure
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Biological Process a process occurring in living organisms
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 発達

Sample Sentences for 発達

We are concerned about the further actualization of current problems among youth, such as truancy, dislike of school and lack of appropriate character development.
The mind should be developed along with the body.
The body must be developed along with the mind.
Swimming will develop many different muscles.
Along with the plants, animal life, too, was developing in harmony with the strict requirements of the land.

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