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Stroke Order Diagram for 不穏

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na adjective, noun

English Meaning(s) for 不穏

na adjective, noun
  1. disquieting; threatening; turbulent; restless; unsettled; disturbing

Definition and Synonyms for 不穏

Baleful threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments
Synonyms: まがまがしい, 不吉, 不祥, 不穏, 忌まわしい, 縁起の悪い
Disquieting causing mental discomfort
Synonyms: 不穏
Impropriety an act of undue intimacy
Synonyms: 不体裁, 不穏, 不穏当, 不義, 不道徳, 不適, 失当, 自由, 親しい, 親しさ, 近しい
Impropriety an indecent or improper act
Synonyms: 下品, 不体裁, 不穏, 不穏当, 不義, 不道徳, 不適, 失当
Supercharged fraught with great emotion
Synonyms: 不穏
Charged capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy
Synonyms: 不穏
Turbulence unstable flow of a liquid or gas
Synonyms: 不穏
Turbulence a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)
Synonyms: 不穏, 動乱
Unrest a state of agitation or turbulent change or development
Synonyms: おののく, わななく, 不安, 不安心, 不穏, 倉皇, 動揺, 戦き, 混乱, 激動, 興奮

Meanings for each kanji in 不穏

» negative; non-; bad; ugly; clumsy
» calm; quiet; moderation

Categories 不穏 is a member of

Misdeed improper or wicked or immoral behavior
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Physical Phenomenon a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energy
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Disorder a disturbance of the peace or of public order
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Turbulence a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 不穏

Sample Sentences for 不穏

Political unrest was in the air.
There seem to be dangerous developments in the military.

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