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Stroke Order Diagram for 一ヶ月

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English Meaning(s) for 一ヶ月

  1. one month

Meanings for each kanji in 一ヶ月

» one; one radical (no.1)
» month; moon

Stroke Order Diagrams for 一ヶ月

Sample Sentences for 一ヶ月

It took me a month to get over my cold.
The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month.
This window has been broken for a month.
You're a month behind with your rent.
And it was two years ago when the season was changing to the start of summer, about the exact same time as now, that she spent a period of a bit over a month with her grandma. Like she was vigorously pulled back with a great power Mai suddenly remembered that time.

Comments for 一ヶ月

If you have any questions about this entry, or would like to write a sample sentence using the vocabulary, please do so below. Your comment will appear in the forum for other users of the site to view and discuss.

machigainai wrote on Wednesday at 6:17 PM


You might also want to try the yomi-chan extension for your browser. You can simply hover the character and a tooltip with information shows up.

Hi there, It may sound primitive but my yomi-chan extension doesn't accept the dictionary files I introduce to it. Is there sth I must do? I am not very good at computers.

#9 Posted by Quince Blossom over 6 years ago


#8 Posted by sankuruma over 6 years ago


You might also want to try the yomi-chan extension for your browser. You can simply hover the character and a tooltip with information shows up.

#7 Posted by machigainai over 6 years ago

Oh, I see ! Thanks a lot, I never would have guessed that !

Indeed, I know just a little about counting in japanese (things, floors...), but I never thought this character would be one... And I am actually getting familiar with this website interface, and now I see I could have got this information by myself selecting the character.

Thanks again, that was a tricky one ^_^

#6 Posted by Manu310 over 6 years ago

Manu310 wrote today at 12:10 AM


I'm quite confused with the pronounciation...


Is the form 一ヶ月 pronounced "ikka getsu" or "ikke getsu" ?

Thanks in advance!

The correct pronunciation is between the square brackets 【いっかげつ】。

I think the confusion comes from small ヶ character which resembles the large katakana ケ.

Actually the small ヶ character is a symbol used for counting.ヶ

For example, 一ヶ月、2ヶ月、3ヶ月 and so on.

PS. Katakana can be very confusing at times. When reading try to remember that katakana can have a lot of functions, and is not just used for waseigo. Furthermore, counting in Japanese is trickier than in other languages.

#5 Posted by machigainai over 6 years ago

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