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Definition and Synonyms for 狂う
1. | 偏斜 | 逸脱した行動 |
Deviation | deviate behavior | |
Synonyms: | 偏り, 偏る, 偏差, 偏斜, 狂い, 狂う, 逸脱 | |
2. | とり乱す | その人の感情的であるか精神的な落ち着きを失う |
Go To Pieces | lose one's emotional or mental composure | |
Synonyms: | 取り乱す, 狂う | |
3. | 狂う | 何かに気を取られる |
Obsess | be preoccupied with something | |
Synonyms: | 狂う | |
4. | 気の狂った | 狂わされる |
Deranged | driven insane | |
Synonyms: | 狂う | |
5. | 狼藉 | 混乱をまねく当惑の気持ち |
Confusion | a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused | |
Synonyms: | めちゃ, ゴタゴタ, 乱脈, 乱雑, 動, 取り込み, 取り込む, 困惑, 当惑, 混乱, 混同, 混沌, 混迷, 無秩序, 狂い, 狂う, 狼狽, 狼藉, 猥雑, 紛糾, 雑駁 | |
6. | 狼藉 | 平和や公的秩序が混乱すること |
Disorder | a disturbance of the peace or of public order | |
Synonyms: | めちゃ, 不同, 不調, 乱脈, 乱雑, 混乱, 無秩序, 狂い, 狂う, 狼藉, 猥雑, 紛糾 | |
7. | 狂い | 精神状態においての混乱 |
Aberration | a disorder in one's mental state | |
Synonyms: | 収差, 狂い, 狂う, 異状, 逸脱 | |
8. | 異常 | 常軌を逸した状態や状況 |
Aberration | a state or condition markedly different from the norm | |
Synonyms: | 収差, 狂い, 狂う, 異常, 異状, 逸脱 | |
9. | 引っ掻き回す | バランスまたは安定性を妨げる |
Upset | disturb the balance or stability of | |
Synonyms: | かき乱す, 乱す, 引っ掻き回す, 狂う, 狂わす, 狂わせる |
Meanings for each kanji in 狂う
» | 狂 | lunatic; insane; crazy; confuse |
Categories 狂う is a member of
1. | 動静 | その主要な特性に注目したときのある物のあり方 |
State | the way something is with respect to its main attributes | |
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2. | 反則 | 規則、エチケット、習慣、または道徳に反する行動 |
Irregularity | behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality | |
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3. | 思扱う | 胸を痛める、憂慮している、案じている、問題を抱えている、または不安である |
Worry | be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy | |
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4. | 面映ゆさ | 不適格であるまたは罪悪が公共の場でなされたときに感じる恥 |
Embarrassment | the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public | |
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5. | 精神的疾患 | 思想や感情の精神的混乱 |
Folie | a psychological disorder of thought or emotion | |
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6. | 畸形 | 欠陥遺伝子や、発達の不十分さから生じる異常な身体状態 |
Abnormalcy | an abnormal physical condition resulting from defective genes or developmental deficiencies | |
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7. | その人の感情の自制心を失う | |
Break Down | lose control of one's emotions | |
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8. | 弄う | 手を付ける |
Touch | tamper with | |
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Conjugations for 狂う
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 狂う
You are such a crazy driver; you drive me crazy.
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