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Definition and Synonyms for 誇る
1. | 得得たる | 何かにおいて自己価値を評価することで自尊心または喜びを感じる |
Proud | feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth | |
Synonyms: | 得意げ, 誇る, 誇らか, 誇らしい, 誇り高い | |
2. | 吹き散らす | 見せびらかす |
Brag | show off | |
Synonyms: | うそぶく, ひけらかす, 吹く, 吹きまくる, 吹き散らす, 呼号, 噴く, 壮語, 大威張り, 大言, 大言壮語, 慢じる, 慢ずる, 自慢, 誇る, 豪語, そっくり返る, 高言 | |
3. | 誇り | あなたの(または、他人の)業績に対する満足 |
Pride | satisfaction with your (or another's) achievements | |
Synonyms: | 自慢, 誇り, 誇る | |
4. | 誇り | 不合理で極端な自負心(七つの大罪の1つとして体現される) |
Superbia | unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) | |
Synonyms: | 誇り, 誇る | |
5. | 誇り | 目下の者に対して傲慢な態度を取ることによって明示された横柄な自尊心 |
Arrogance | overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors | |
Synonyms: | 不遜, 倨傲, 傍若無人, 傲倨, 尊大, 誇り, 誇る, 驕傲 | |
6. | 傲り | 自尊心および、自分に値打ちがあると感じること |
Pridefulness | a feeling of self-respect and personal worth | |
Synonyms: | おごり, おごる, うぬぼれ, プライド, うぬぼれる, 倨傲, 得意, 思い上がり, 思い上がる, 慢心, 我褒め, 気位, 矜持, 自尊, 自尊心, 自慢, 自負, 自負心, 見識, 誇り, 誇る, 誇らしい, 驕り, 驕傲 | |
7. | 得得たる | プライドの根拠となるもの |
Proud | or being a reason for pride | |
Synonyms: | 得意げ, 誇る, 誇らか, 誇らしい, 誇り高い |
Meanings for each kanji in 誇る
» | 誇 | boast; be proud; pride; triumphantly |
Categories 誇る is a member of
1. | 心緒 | 感動の、感情的な状態を経験すること |
Feeling | the experiencing of affective and emotional states | |
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2. | 大罪 | 神の恩寵をまったく捨てるような許し難い罪 |
Deadly Sin | an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace | |
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3. | 誇り | 不合理で極端な自負心(七つの大罪の1つとして体現される) |
Superbia | unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) | |
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4. | 言い過ぎる | 限界または真実を越えて拡大する |
Exaggerate | to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth | |
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5. | 満足 | 何かを申し分なくやり終えた時に感じる満足 |
Satisfaction | the contentment one feels when one has fulfilled a desire, need, or expectation | |
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Conjugations for 誇る
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 誇る
Comments for 誇る
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