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Definition and Synonyms for 問いかける
1. | 問いただす | 尋ねる |
Inquire | inquire about | |
Synonyms: | ただす, 下問, 伺う, 借問, 問う, 問いかける, 問いただす, 問い合わす, 問い合わせる, 尋ねる, 聞く, 訊く, 質問 | |
2. | 問いただす | 質問を提示する |
Question | pose a question | |
Synonyms: | ただす, 伺う, 借問, 問う, 問いかける, 問いただす, 尋ねる, 聞く, 訊く, 質問, 質疑 | |
3. | 問い | 質問の例 |
Query | an instance of questioning | |
Synonyms: | うかがう, クエスチョン, 問い, 問いかけ, 問いかける, 問い合わす, 問い合わせ, 問い合わせる, 質問 | |
4. | 問い | 答えを求める質問の文章 |
Interrogation | a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply | |
Synonyms: | クエスチョン, 問, 問い, 問いかけ, 問いかける, 疑問文, 質問 |
Meanings for each kanji in 問いかける
» | 問 | question; ask; problem |
Categories 問いかける is a member of
1. | コミュニケート | 考えか気持ちを伝える |
Communicate | transmit thoughts or feelings | |
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2. | 訪う | 質問を記述して、答えを予測する |
Ask | address a question to and expect an answer from | |
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3. | 完結文 | 言語の文法規則を満たす一連の語 |
Sentence | a string of words satisfying the grammatical rules of a language | |
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4. | 問い | 情報を求めること |
Inquiring | a request for information | |
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Conjugations for 問いかける
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Colloquial Potential Plain Form
Colloquial Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
Sample Sentences for 問いかける
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes,
アメリカよ、私たちはこんなにも遠くまで歩んできました。こんなにもたくさんのことを見てきました。しかしまだまだ、やらなくてはならないことはたくさんあります。だから今夜この夜、改めて自分に問いかけましょう。もしも自分の子供たちが次の世紀を目にするまで生きられたとしたら。もしも私の娘たちが幸運にも、アン・ニクソン・クーパーさんと同じくらい長く生きられたとしたら。娘たちは何を見るのでしょう? 私たちはそれまでにどれだけ進歩できるのでしょうか?
America, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves, if our children should live to see the next century, if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?
Pepperberg can show Alex two objects (for example, a green square and a red square) and ask, "What's different?"
A scientist had to know how to ask the correct question and to state it so clearly that the answer would be, in effect, a definite yes or no, not "maybe".
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