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Definition and Synonyms for 匂う
1. | 匂わす | ヒントを与える |
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Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 | |
2. | 臭い | 不快に臭い |
Funky | offensively malodorous | |
Synonyms: | 匂い, 匂う, 臭い | |
3. | 臭う | 香りを放つ |
Smell | emit an odor | |
Synonyms: | 匂う | |
4. | 臭う | 悪く攻撃的なにおいがする |
Stink | smell badly and offensively | |
Synonyms: | 匂う | |
5. | 臭う | くさい |
Smell | smell bad | |
Synonyms: | 匂う | |
6. | 臭う | 匂いを吸いこむ |
Smell | inhale the odor of | |
Synonyms: | 匂う, 嗅ぐ, 聞く | |
7. | 匂わす | 理解を与える |
Intimate | give to understand | |
Synonyms: | ほのめかす, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示 | |
8. | 匂い | 何かの匂いを知覚する行為 |
Smell | the act of perceiving the odor of something | |
Synonyms: | 匂い, 匂う | |
9. | 薫香 | 嗅覚器官によって感知される特性 |
Scent | any property detected by the olfactory system | |
Synonyms: | アロマ, 匂い, 匂う, 異臭, 異香, 臭い, 臭み, 臭味, 芳香, 薫, 薫香, 香, 香, 香, 香り, 香る, 香気, 馨香 | |
10. | 薫香 | 魅力的でかぐわしい嗅覚的特性 |
Bouquet | a pleasingly sweet olfactory property | |
Synonyms: | 匂い, 匂う, 幽香, 臭い, 芳香, 薫香, 香り, 香る, 香気 | |
11. | 匂い | 鼻の嗅覚器が、気体の特定の化学物質によって刺激されることで起こる感覚 |
Odor | the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form | |
Synonyms: | 匂い, 匂う, 臭い, 香, 香, 香, 香り, 香る | |
12. | 匂い | 攻撃的に不快である特徴的な匂い |
Malodor | a distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant | |
Synonyms: | 匂い, 匂う, 悪臭, 異臭, 臭い, 臭気 | |
13. | 風情 | 6種類のクォーク |
Flavour | the six kinds of quarks | |
Synonyms: | フレーバー, 匂い, 匂う, 口当たり, 味, 味, 味覚, 風情 | |
14. | フィーリング | 場所または状況の一般的な雰囲気とそれが人々に与える影響 |
Feel | the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people | |
Synonyms: | フィーリング, 匂い, 匂う, 感じ, 感じる, 感ずる, 様子, 気分, 雰囲気 | |
15. | 臭う | 嗅覚器官で知覚する |
Smell | perceive by the olfactory sense | |
Synonyms: | 匂う, 嗅ぐ, 聞く | |
16. | 匂わす | 暗示的に親密な |
Suggest | intimate by a hint | |
Synonyms: | かすめる, ほのめかす, サジェスト, 匂う, 匂わす, 匂わせる, 暗示, 示唆 |
Meanings for each kanji in 匂う
» | 匂 | fragrant; stink; glow; insinuate; (kokuji) |
Categories 匂う is a member of
1. | 感じ | 感覚を経て何かに気づいていること |
Sensing | becoming aware of something via the senses | |
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2. | 見取る | 感覚を通じて気が付くようになる |
Perceive | to become aware of through the senses | |
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3. | 臭う | 香りを放つ |
Smell | emit an odor | |
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4. | 臭う | くさい |
Smell | smell bad | |
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5. | 性質 | ある種類のメンバー全てによって共有される基本的、あるいは不可欠な属性 |
Property | a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class | |
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6. | 薫香 | 嗅覚器官によって感知される特性 |
Scent | any property detected by the olfactory system | |
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7. | 感覚 | 刺激に対する直接的で基本的な認知 |
Sense Datum | an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation | |
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8. | 匂い | 鼻の嗅覚器が、気体の特定の化学物質によって刺激されることで起こる感覚 |
Odor | the sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form | |
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9. | ジャンル | 共通の特徴や質で区別されるものの範疇 |
Form | a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality | |
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10. | アトモスフィア | 特定の環境または周囲の影響 |
Ambiance | a particular environment or surrounding influence | |
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11. | 認識できる特性がある | |
Cause To Be Perceived | have perceptible qualities | |
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12. | 伝達 | 知らせる |
Convey | make known | |
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13. | 匂わす | ヒントを与える |
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Conjugations for 匂う
Plain Form
Polite Form
Tai Form
Imperative Plain Form
Imperative Polite Form
Provisional Form
Conditional Form
Alternative Form
Potential Plain Form
Potential Polite Form
Passive Plain Form
Passive Polite Form
Causative Plain Form
Causative Polite Form
Causative Passive Plain Form
Causative Passive Polite Form
Colloquial Form
Formal Form
Classical Form (nu)
Classical Form (zaru)
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